Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I have a schedule:)

I have 2 classes on Wedensday, 1 on Thursday, and 1 online. With my early start that is 5 classes total. So I have really long weekends to travel on yay! I'm pretty sure the computer lab is going to close shortly, and I've got some other stuff to do, so I'm going now, but tomorrow I'm bringing my laptop over to school and buying all my plane tickets and stuff for traveling, so I'll post that schedule stuff then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Looks like a pretty cool schedule with plenty of time for sight seeing.

Just wanted to wish you an early happy Birthday. I know Erin is getting excited bout seeing you and GM is getting ready to leave for KC tomorrow to play Nanny while Erin is gone.

Hope you enjoy Spain.

We loveyou.