Thursday, August 31, 2006


Basically I’ve been to busy to set up my blog, and besides didn’t really have the time, energy, and internet access, but as I have some of those now, I’m going to recap the reasons why I didn’t have the above.

Wed. the 23rd-
Thursday the 24th:
I got up went to the KC airport, moved my luggage around some since I could only have 50 pounds per bag and my carry on could only be 13 pounds since they were checking it all the way thru. Finally checked in and got through security, then spent a lovely hour watching nuns with a dog, and trying to figure out what my mom was signing since she has yet to learn even finger spelling (I’m just saying, that it’s something to consider learning while I’m gone then next time your trying to talk to me through a sound proof barrier I might understand what you want). The plane was on time which was a relief since that meant I got to Chicago O’hare in time to check in. Plus I got to take this cool tram thing to the terminal where all the international flights arrive and depart.
In Chicago there was no one at the Aer Lingus counter, and I ended up in the exit line which I though was the line for people with no luggage to check, but in the end I got checked in and back through security. The duty free shops were disappointing, since everything cost a ton, so I waited at the gate. The plane arrived on time, and we got to board, and then we sat on the tarmac for a couple hours which was something to do with the wind, so by the time we took off it was dark. That was OK though, cause I got to see Chicago all lit up at night when we took off and that was pretty cool.
Then I watched part of Dr. Doolittle 3 (without headphones) and had dinner which was a pretty decent tofu thing, although they gave me melon for dessert while everybody else got cheesecake. I mean there could have been cookies or something.
After that I went to sleep which was difficult, since it was so cramped. I woke up when they were doing the breakfast service, and the lady sitting next to me said that someone had passed out in the aisle and apparently had seizures and had to have oxygen while we were over the ocean, but I missed that. She said she thought they were alright, and we didn’t stop before we got to Dublin, so I guess they probably were.
Then we got to Dublin Airport. We went through the line to get passports stamped. And then down to collect luggage. After that was customs, I went through the nothing to declare line and they just waved everybody through, so that was nice.
After that kind of sucked though, I got probably the worst conversion rate ever, and then I could not figure out which bus to take. I asked like 8 people who worked there and they all said different things. I finally figured out I needed to take one into the city so I did that. I got off at Trinity College (were the Book of Kells is) and spent a lovely hour and a half wishing I could go in, but as I had a hundred and twenty pounds of luggage and there were cobblestones I decided that would probably not be the best time.
I found out that I should have been across the street, and missed the second bus. I finally caught the 3 PM one and spent a lovely 4 hours eating the Cadbury bars I got at the airport and gas station we stopped at and sleeping. When we got to Cork I tracked down a cab, went to my B&B, took a shower and went to bed. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, my first day in Ireland was very exciting, how can I stand the thrills?

Friday the 25th:
I got to get up at 8 AM just what I wanted to do, and track down UCC. Luckily it wasn’t that far from where I was staying. Orientation was okay, it was kind of long, and I’m not sure how much I remember with the jet lag and all, but I made some friends, and after it was over we went grocery shopping and I went and saw the apartments they’re staying in. We watched some Soccer which was cool and I got another nap in, as well as having Nutella, possibly the best sandwich ingredient ever. I went back to my B&B after that although we got a bit lost, and I was still kind of messed up time wise.

Saturday the 26th:
I got to wake up early and change B&B’s fun. Then I went out and tracked down the cell phone store. I got my phone and was trying for the rest of the stuff I needed (like a map) when I got lost again and was to exhausted to keep going, so I took a cab back to the B&B and took a nap, got my cell phone stuff set up, and read a bit. Then I went back to bed.

Sunday the 27th:
Moved into my actual house for the semester, got all organized, watched tv with my landlady’s 11 year old niece who’s visiting. Actually she was asleep for the most part, as she had stayed up till something like 4 am the day before at a wedding. Did a walk through the city, so I know where I am more now.

Monday the 28th:
First day of class, went grocery shopping, then just kind of collapsed for another nap, relaxed all evening.

Tuesday the 29th:
Class, got adapter for my computer, managed not to get lost. Went home to have dinner and change, then went on to a pub with some of the other international students (it was school sponsored, and no I didn’t stay out too late mom I was home before 12:30).

Wednesday the 30th:
Class in the morning, had coffee with some friends and hung out in the computer lab for a while. Went to the International student meeting about choosing modules with some of the other girls from the folklore early start. Had a late lunch with some people in the sandwich shop. Then went down to Dunnes Store and got laundry detergent (these cool little gel tablets) and a towel. Then I went to Argos (it’s a really neat store, you look at catalogues, enter the numbers in a machine to see if it’s in stock, then take the number to the register and they bring whatever it is to you.) and found an alarm clock, hair straightner and curling iron that weren’t too expensive. Then I went home since it was raining and I didn’t feel like walking around with an umbrella and all the other stuff I was carrying.

And that’s my first exciting week in Cork. Except for the parts were I was exhausted it’s been pretty fun. Plus it’s really beautiful here. I’ll take some pictures and post them as soon as I can, I’ve just been kind of photo apathetic for a bit, but there are some really cool things to look at and do here, I’ll probably post some over the weekend at the very latest (actually I’ll take them on the weekend, but posting might have to wait till Monday when the school’s computer labs are open unless I find somewhere close by that has cheap or free internet)

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